SCREEN Group Disaster Readiness Website

When disaster strikes

Steps to Safety

When an Earthquake Strikes Outside of Work Hours

When an earthquake occurs outside of work hours or on a non-workday, follow the steps in the flow chart below.

Decide whether to stay at your evacuation site or move somewhere safer (your workplace, home, etc.) Choose the safest option

If staying at the evacuation site

Contact the company (your supervisor) and wait for instructions Try to secure a means of communicating with your family and the company (your supervisor).
Discuss with the company (your supervisor) whether you can work, either in person or remotely, the next day (or business day).

If moving somewhere safer

Contact the company (your supervisor) before moving Let the company (your supervisor) know that you plan to move and when you expect to reach your destination. Stay safe while in transit.
If you cannot do so beforehand, contact the company after moving.

Wait for instructions at your new location Discuss with the company (your supervisor) whether you can work, either in person or remotely, the next day (or business day).

If You Are a Designated Emergency Responder

Perform emergency priority operations according to your own role
