Deciding Whether to Go to Work and Preparing to Go
Deciding Whether to Stay at an Evacuation Site or Move Somewhere Safer (Your Workplace, Home, Etc.)
Choosing a Place to Take Shelter
Are you safe where you are? Note: At workplaces, the company will determine whether the workplace is safe.
If you decide to evacuate to somewhere else, can you get there safely?
Determining Conduct for the Following Day (or Business Day)
Discuss with your supervisor to determine whether and where you can work
Points to Consider When Moving to a New Location
Note: If moving on a non-workday, instead of reporting and receiving instructions, as specified in the steps below, just contact the company.
Preparing to move
Report to the company (your supervisor) and receive instructions to decide whether to move and, if moving, your route, estimated time of arrival, times for regular contact on the way, etc.
If you have difficulty communicating with the company (your supervisor), do not move unless necessary
Check TV, radio, the Internet, etc., for the latest information about disaster damage
Do not try to move if you cannot expect to arrive before sundown
Do not try to travel more than 10 km on foot
Due to large numbers of people trying to get home, plan for transit to take two to five times longer than usual
Prepare clothing that is easy to move in, appropriate footwear, food, and water
When possible, travel in groups with others headed in the same direction
While moving
Follow any instructions from public agencies or officials
When circumstances differ from initial expectations, such as when arriving significantly later than expected, report as needed to the company (your supervisor), receive instructions, and respond accordingly